It Wasn’t Supposed To Be A Fancy Event

Jennifer Ressmann
3 min readOct 13, 2021
Photo by Bùi Thanh Tâm on Unsplash

So, my girlfriend from high school was getting married. Her family lived on a farm where she grew up and she was getting outside in the beautiful yard. It was a lovely summer for a wedding in the midwest. (It’s really the best time of year to be in the midwest if you’re interested)

We were all gathered for the dress rehearsal the day before the big wedding day. Mind you, it was an outdoor wedding in her backyard.

Everyone was dressed fancy and looked really great. I wore a cute sundress. Yep, cute. Sundress. Dressy sandals. Sundress.

What was everyone doing? What were they all dressed up for? I felt out of place the entire event. And, honestly, most people didn’t speak with me for long periods of time so I already felt out of place.

But, if I had known I needed to look absolutely amazing, I would have upped my game.

Was I not paying attention? No, I don’t think that was it. There wasn’t any mention to dress up to the nines.

What I think happened is I had been away from Wisconsin for so long I had forgotten how dressed up everyone would get. I had left after college and moved to Colorado. People are way more relaxed when it comes to dressing for important occasions.

We always thought it was funny when we first moved to Colorado…people didn’t wear ties on the news. This was a huge deal. No ties? Some people might think how lazy! or “barbarians”. I thought it was very Avante-garde, innovative, and advanced everyone was. Ties! phthh — who cares about stupid ties.

And, so I showed up to this wedding “without my tie”.

I honestly felt bad about this for like 20 years! Ha! Isn’t that ridiculous?! Who hangs on to this kind of crap for 20 years.

I think it actually held me back. Like I wasn’t good enough to fit in with these people or something… yeah… something ridiculous like that!

My idea of what to wear is just different, it always has been. And, I always felt out of place with these people that all dressed the same. Oh my gosh, do I laugh at this now. And I can’t say ridiculous enough.

I always felt out of place. And, I always felt like they wanted me to know that. Either wear and do exactly what we are also doing or you will be an outcast. We are not capable of thinking outside the box…. so if you want to succeed here ya better get in the box.

And, side note, the thing is, when ya think midwest, don’t you think work boots, work pants, and a hat?

LOL — I moved to Colorado. I fit in there almost immediately. But, I should say, only cuz these were my in-the-box people! These people thought more like me, wore clothes more like me, did activities I loved to do.

Big Deal of those people from the past aren’t my people. I found my people and I wore more sundresses!



Jennifer Ressmann

Copywriter and Content Creator Specialist — Experienced B2B and B2C Writer